The Practical Guide to NLP and NLU

NLU customer service solutions for enhanced customer support


Where NLU focuses on transforming complex human languages into machine-understandable information, NLG, another subset of NLP, involves interpreting complex machine-readable data in natural human-like language. This typically involves a six-stage process flow that includes content analysis, data interpretation, information structuring, sentence aggregation, grammatical structuring, and language presentation. While NLU focuses on comprehending human language, interpreting meaning, and extracting relevant information from textual or spoken input. NLP encompasses a wider range of language-related tasks, including NLU, but extends beyond to cover processes like text summarization, sentiment analysis, and machine translation.

By leveraging these technologies, chatbots can provide efficient and effective customer service and support, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex tasks. Statistical models use machine learning algorithms such as deep learning to learn the structure of natural language from data. Hybrid models combine the two approaches, using machine learning algorithms to generate rules and then applying those rules to the input data. NLU is widely used in virtual assistants, chatbots, and customer support systems.


Techniques such as recurrent neural networks, and transformer models have been employed to facilitate dynamic and real-time text generation, marking a notable shift in conversational language understanding. Natural Language Understanding is an artificial intelligence called analytical, which has very different uses of generative AI. Its role is not to generate text like the NLG, but to analyze unstructured data often present in large quantities in companies, and to understand its meaning. While both understand human language, NLU communicates with untrained individuals to learn and understand their intent.

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By analyzing customer inquiries and detecting patterns, NLU-powered systems can suggest relevant solutions and offer personalized recommendations, making the customer feel heard and valued. In conclusion, for NLU to be effective, it must address the numerous challenges posed by natural language inputs. Addressing lexical, syntax, and referential ambiguities, and understanding the unique features of different languages, are necessary for efficient NLU systems.

Such applications can produce intelligent-sounding, grammatically correct content and write code in response to a user prompt. According to various industry estimates only about 20% of data collected is structured data. The remaining 80% is unstructured data—the majority of which is unstructured text data that’s unusable for traditional methods. Just think of all the online text you consume daily, social media, news, research, product websites, and more.

It encompasses a set of algorithms that helps the machine understand, manipulate, and generate human language. This includes basic spelling-checking software chatbots to large natural language generation tools. Understanding AI methodology is essential to ensuring excellent outcomes in any technology that works with human language. Hybrid natural language understanding platforms combine multiple approaches—machine learning, deep learning, LLMs and symbolic or knowledge-based AI.

NLU technology aims to capture the intent behind communication and identify entities, such as people or numeric values, mentioned during speech. Thanks to natural language understanding, not only can computers understand the meaning of our words, but they can also use language to enhance our everyday lives. The future of language processing holds immense potential for creating more intelligent and context-aware AI systems that will transform human-machine interactions.

Sentiment analysis can help determine the overall attitude of customers towards the company, while content analysis can reveal common themes and topics mentioned in customer feedback. Furthermore, different languages have different grammatical structures, which could also pose challenges for NLU systems to interpret the content of the sentence correctly. Other common features of human language like idioms, humor, sarcasm, and multiple meanings of words, all contribute to the difficulties faced by NLU systems. In practical applications such as customer support, recommendation systems, or retail technology services, it’s crucial to seamlessly integrate these technologies for more accurate and context-aware responses. Though looking very similar and seemingly performing the same function, NLP and NLU serve different purposes within the field of human language processing and understanding.

Similar NLU capabilities are part of the IBM Watson NLP Library for Embed®, a containerized library for IBM partners to integrate in their commercial applications. Reach out to us now and let’s discuss how we can drive your business forward with cutting-edge technology. Rasa Open Source runs on-premise to keep your customer data secure and consistent with GDPR compliance, maximum data privacy, and security measures. The Rasa stack also connects with Git for version control.Treat your training data like code and maintain a record of every update.

Explore some of the latest NLP research at IBM or take a look at some of IBM’s product offerings, like Watson Natural Language Understanding. Its text analytics service offers insight into categories, concepts, entities, keywords, relationships, sentiment, and syntax from your textual data to help you respond to user needs quickly and efficiently. Help your business get on the right track to analyze and infuse your data at scale for AI.

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By working together, NLP and NLU enhance each other’s capabilities, leading to more advanced and comprehensive language-based solutions. NLU plays a crucial role in dialogue management systems, where it understands and interprets user input, allowing the system to generate appropriate responses or take relevant actions. NLU goes beyond literal interpretation and involves understanding implicit information and drawing inferences. It takes into account the broader context and prior knowledge to comprehend the meaning behind the ambiguous or indirect language. Natural Language Understanding in AI aims to understand the context in which language is used.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLMs) are both used to understand human language, but they serve different purposes. NLP refers to the broader field of techniques and algorithms used to process and analyze text data, encompassing tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and sentiment analysis. Using NLU and LLM together can be complementary though, for example using NLU to understand customer intent and LLM to use data to provide an accurate response. The main objective of NLU is to enable machines to grasp the nuances of human language, including context, semantics, and intent.


This has opened up countless possibilities and applications for NLU, ranging from chatbots to virtual assistants, and even automated customer service. In this article, we will explore the various applications and use cases of NLU technology and how it is transforming the way we communicate with machines. This also includes turning the  unstructured data – the plain language query –  into structured data that can be used to query the data set. Data processed the reverse way–from structured to unstructured–is called natural language generation (NLG).

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By harnessing advanced algorithms, NLG systems transform data into coherent and contextually relevant text or speech. These algorithms consider factors such as grammar, syntax, and style to produce language that resembles human-generated content. Language generation uses neural networks, deep learning architectures, and language models. Large datasets train these models to generate coherent, fluent, and contextually appropriate language. NLP models can learn language recognition and interpretation from examples and data using machine learning. These models are trained on varied datasets with many language traits and patterns.

This book is for managers, programmers, directors – and anyone else who wants to learn machine learning. To pass the test, a human evaluator will interact with a machine and another human at the same time, each in a different room. If the evaluator is not able to reliably tell the difference between the response generated by the machine and the other human, then the machine passes the test and is considered to be exhibiting “intelligent” behavior. NLP can process text from grammar, structure, typo, and point of view—but it will be NLU that will help the machine infer the intent behind the language text.

You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Entity roles and groups make it possible to distinguish whether a city is the origin or destination, or whether an account is savings or checking. Let’s take an example of how you could lower call center costs and improve customer satisfaction using NLU-based technology. Intent recognition identifies what the person speaking or writing intends to do. Identifying their objective helps the software to understand what the goal of the interaction is.

In summary, NLP is the overarching practice of understanding text and spoken words, with NLU and NLG as subsets of NLP. Each performs a separate function for contact centers, but when combined they can be used to perform syntactic and semantic analysis of text and speech to extract the meaning of the sentence and summarization. Using NLU, AI systems can precisely define the intent of a given user, no matter how they say it. NLG is used for text generation in English or other languages, by a machine based on a given data input. In fact, its roots wind back to the 1950s when researchers began using computers to understand and generate human language. Developed by Alan Turing, this test measures a machine’s ability to answer any question in a way that’s indistinguishable from a human.

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Enhancing DLP With Natural Language Understanding for Better Email Security.

Posted: Wed, 16 Mar 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

NLU also enables computers to communicate back to humans in their own languages. Natural language understanding (NLU) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses computer software to understand input in the form nlu/nlp of sentences using text or speech. NLU enables human-computer interaction by analyzing language versus just words. Artificial intelligence is critical to a machine’s ability to learn and process natural language.

NLP involves processing large amounts of natural language data, while NLU is concerned with interpreting the meaning behind that data. NLG, on the other hand, involves using algorithms to generate human-like language in response Chat GPT to specific prompts. NLU is the technology that enables computers to understand and interpret human language. It has been shown to increase productivity by 20% in contact centers and reduce call duration by 50%.

In the realm of AI, NLU is what allows systems to not just parse input but to truly interpret it. It’s the technology behind chatbots that can detect frustration in customer support interactions, virtual assistants that manage complex tasks, and analytics platforms that discern sentiment from social media posts. The NLU field is dedicated to developing strategies and techniques for understanding context in individual records and at scale.

Additionally, statistical machine learning and deep learning techniques are typically used to improve accuracy and flexibility of the language processing models. Natural Language Processing (NLP) refers to the branch of artificial intelligence or AI concerned with giving computers the ability to understand text and spoken words in much the same way human beings can. It is a component of artificial intelligence that enables computers to understand human language in both written and verbal forms. One of the common use cases of NLP in contact centers is to enable Interactive voice response (IVR) systems for customer interaction. Other use cases could be question answering, text classification such as intent identification and information retrieval with features like automatic suggestions. As ubiquitous as artificial intelligence is becoming, too many people it’s still a mystical concept capable of magic.

In addition, NLU and NLP significantly enhance customer service by enabling more efficient and personalized responses. Automated systems can quickly classify inquiries, route them to the appropriate department, and even provide automated responses for common questions, reducing response times and improving customer satisfaction. Understanding the sentiment and urgency of customer communications allows businesses to prioritize issues, responding first to the most critical concerns. Additionally, NLU and NLP are pivotal in the creation of conversational interfaces that offer intuitive and seamless interactions, whether through chatbots, virtual assistants, or other digital touchpoints. This enhances the customer experience, making every interaction more engaging and efficient. Now, businesses can easily integrate AI into their operations with Akkio’s no-code AI for NLU.


Unlike basic text processing which identifies patterns and keywords, NLU delves deeper, seeking to understand the intent and context behind words. By mastering NLU, computers can serve a multitude of purposes—from voice assistants and chatbots to sophisticated automated translation systems. While natural language understanding focuses on computer reading comprehension, natural language generation enables computers to write. NLG is the process of producing a human language text response based on some data input. This text can also be converted into a speech format through text-to-speech services.

On the other hand, natural language processing is an umbrella term to explain the whole process of turning unstructured data into structured data. As a result, we now have the opportunity to establish a conversation with virtual technology in order to accomplish tasks and answer questions. In other words, NLU is Artificial Intelligence that uses computer software to interpret text and any type of unstructured data.

NLU goes a step further by understanding the context and meaning behind the text data, allowing for more advanced applications such as chatbots or virtual assistants. Common devices and platforms where NLU is used to communicate with users include smartphones, home assistants, and chatbots. These systems can perform tasks such as scheduling appointments, answering customer support inquiries, or providing helpful information in a conversational format. Natural Language Understanding is a crucial component of modern-day technology, enabling machines to understand human language and communicate effectively with users. As a result, algorithms search for associations and correlations to infer what the sentence’s most likely meaning is rather than understanding the genuine meaning of human languages.

If NLP is about understanding the state of the game, NLU is about strategically applying that information to win the game. Thinking dozens of moves ahead is only possible after determining the ground rules and the context. Working together, these two techniques are what makes a conversational AI system a reality.

  • Natural language understanding is a subset of natural language processing that’s defined by what it extracts from unstructured text, which identifies nuance in language and derives hidden or abstract meanings from text or voice.
  • NLP, or Natural Language Processing, and NLU, Natural Language Understanding, are two key pillars of artificial intelligence (AI) that have truly transformed the way we interact with our customers today.
  • With that, Yseop’s NLG platform streamlines and simplifies a new standard of accuracy and consistency.
  • This period was marked by the use of hand-written rules for language processing.

While NLP breaks down the language into manageable pieces for analysis, NLU interprets the nuances, ambiguities, and contextual cues of the language to grasp the full meaning of the text. It’s the difference between recognizing the words in a sentence and understanding the sentence’s sentiment, purpose, or request. NLU enables more sophisticated interactions between humans and machines, such as accurately answering questions, participating in conversations, and making informed decisions based on the understood intent. NLU uses natural language processing (NLP) to analyze and interpret human language.

Akkio also offers integrations with a wide range of dataset formats and sources, such as Salesforce, Hubspot, and Big Query. For example, NLU can be used to identify and analyze mentions of your brand, products, and services. This can help you identify customer pain points, what they like and dislike about your product, and what features they would like to see in the future. Competition keeps growing, digital mediums become increasingly saturated, consumers have less and less time, and the cost of customer acquisition rises. Customers are the beating heart of any successful business, and their experience should always be a top priority.

Regional dialects and language support can also present challenges for some off-the-shelf NLP solutions. Rasa’s NLU architecture is completely language-agostic, and has been used to train models in Hindi, Thai, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, French, Arabic, and many more. You can build AI chatbots and virtual assistants in any language, or even multiple languages, using a single framework. Traditional chatbots operate based on a set of predefined rules and are limited in their ability to handle unexpected queries. LLM-powered chatbots or voicebots, conversely, use vast datasets to generate responses, making them far more dynamic and capable of handling a wide variety of interactions, often in a more human-like manner. This is just one example of how natural language processing can be used to improve your business and save you money.

To overcome these hurdles, brands often supplement AI-driven translations with human oversight. Linguistic experts review and refine machine-generated translations to ensure they align with cultural norms and linguistic nuances. This hybrid approach leverages the efficiency and scalability of NLU and NLP while ensuring the authenticity and cultural sensitivity of the content. “NLU and NLP allow marketers to craft personalized, impactful messages that build stronger audience relationships,” said Zheng.

By employing Answers, businesses provide meticulous, relevant answers to customer requests on first contact. NLG can be used to generate natural language summaries of data or to generate natural language instructions for a task such as how to set up a printer. NLP is the process of analyzing and manipulating natural language to better understand it. NLP tasks include text classification, sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, and more. You may, for instance, use NLP to classify an email as spam, predict whether a lead is likely to convert from a text-form entry or detect the sentiment of a customer comment.

It comprises the majority of enterprise data and includes everything from text contained in email, to PDFs and other document types, chatbot dialog, social media, etc. NLU leverages advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques, employing intricate algorithms and neural networks to enhance language comprehension. Integrating external knowledge sources such as ontologies and knowledge graphs is common in NLU to augment understanding. Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) is a pivotal tool for discerning relationships and functions of words or phrases concerning a specific predicate in a sentence. This nuanced approach facilitates more nuanced and contextually accurate language interpretation by systems. Natural Language Understanding (NLU), a subset of Natural Language Processing (NLP), employs semantic analysis to derive meaning from textual content.

It all starts when NLP turns unstructured data into structured data to be analyzed with NLU. Most of the time financial consultants try to understand what customers were looking for since customers do not use the technical lingo of investment. Since customers’ input is not standardized, chatbots need powerful NLU capabilities to understand customers. For instance, the address of the home a customer wants to cover has an impact on the underwriting process since it has a relationship with burglary risk. NLP-driven machines can automatically extract data from questionnaire forms, and risk can be calculated seamlessly.

It involves various tasks such as entity recognition, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and language classification. NLU algorithms leverage techniques like semantic analysis, syntactic parsing, and machine learning to extract relevant information from text or speech data and infer the underlying meaning. It’s concerned with the ability of computers to comprehend and extract meaning from human language. It involves developing systems and models that can accurately interpret and understand the intentions, entities, context, and sentiment expressed in text or speech. However, NLU techniques employ methods such as syntactic parsing, semantic analysis, named entity recognition, and sentiment analysis.