Keep It Simple Daily Meditations

They say it’s a good guide for the 12 Steps, and it takes only a few minutes a day to read. The book is described as uncomplicated and a great beginner’s guide. It’s important to know that you and your loved one are not alone in your fight for sobriety. The first step toward regaining your life has begun. Contact our dedicated team and we will help find the help which best fits your needs. In the 1960s United States Navy, Keep It Simple was a design principle advocated for weapons systems.

Twenty-Four Hours a Day (Hazelden Meditations)

They say it keeps them grounded in recovery and provides a peaceful experience. The book breaks down daily tasks to help achieve recovery. By breaking my problem down into steps, “Keeping it simple”, I was able to tackle small chunks of my project instead of in one big bite.

By remembering this simple slogan I am able to look at the problem in a different way. Instead of trying to tackle something head-on, I can break it up into simpler steps, thus making the problem not so big. Two, I maintain a boundary when it comes to my home. Basically, I don’t allow people I sponsor, newcomers, or anyone that’s new to sobriety into my house. Too often nowadays people are being robbed when they allow a person new to recovery into their home, even by people close to them. I don’t desire to ever experience that type of stress.

keep it simple recovery

A Woman’s Spirit: More Meditations for Women (Hazelden Meditations)

They find the pages concentrating on one idea. Discover additional details about the events, people, and places in your book, with Wikipedia integration. In his book, Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age, written in 1957, Wilson recalled that sober house final meeting, when he and the doctor agreed that an annual conference featuring sober A.A. Delegates from around the world was the way to lead the fellowship into the future. Seeing the man who had saved so many lives in that condition was not an easy sight, the book reports.

  • In his book, Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age, written in 1957, Wilson recalled that final meeting, when he and the doctor agreed that an annual conference featuring sober A.A.
  • If you enjoyed this article, please click the green heart at the bottom to recommend to others.
  • We’ve all heard the phrase “Keep It Simple.” In an over-complicated world, the concept holds more and more allure.
  • Stay in realityProlonged drug and alcohol addiction can actually change the way our brain behaves.
  • A dependable companion for people in all stages of recovery, Keep It Simple’s  meditations bring you back to the basics of living a Twelve Step program.

Daily Meditations for Twelve Step Beginnings and Renewal

In a speech which lasted mere moments, he explained how he could not miss this first convention. And he shared on the slogan on which this story is based. Nonetheless, though he had been bedridden for five of the past seven months, Dr. Bob steadfastly stood at the podium in front of 3,000 people on July 30th for his farewell talk to A.A. The history of recovery from addiction tells us that if ever there were two men who had reason to be losing their minds to sophisticated chaos, it was William Griffith Wilson and Robert Holbrook Smith.

This is a life-changing reality for many people struggling with substance use disorder. The pressure they put on themselves to get it all handled and do it perfectly, these things actually get in the way of lasting recovery. However, in the middle of the conversation, you can almost her them talking themselves out of it. They site all the times in the past where trying to quit has NOT worked.

  • I simply choose to meet with them somewhere else.
  • I even wrote a piece here on Medium called “To Blog or Not to Blog”.
  • The book breaks down daily tasks to help achieve recovery.
  • Too often nowadays people are being robbed when they allow a person new to recovery into their home, even by people close to them.

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But, if we just show up and face whatever is next in our lives, we can start building that esteem back. We can start to realize that no one else is perfect either. We can rest in the knowledge we are trying our best. We’ve all heard the phrase “Keep It Simple.” In an over-complicated world, the concept holds more and more allure.

Whenever I face a something that’s more challenging than I like, I throw the whole idea away and call it a bad job. Of course I had the Big Book as a reference tool, but looking at the description given there, I didn’t know where to start. Looking back now, it’s really not complicated at all. But, at the time, my brain was still foggy, and everything was complicated. Enjoy features only possible in digital – start reading right away, carry your library with you, adjust the font, create shareable notes and highlights, and more.

Though his stories were teeming with complex political and military intrigue, the writing of the books themselves required a whole lot of simplicity. CompartmentalizeWe’ve all heard the expression,” One Day At A Time,” but what does it really mean? It means to compartmentalize tasks and events into smaller elements.

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As you go through your journey of recovery with the Steps as your guideposts, these inspirational daily meditations give your spirit a feeling of regular renewal, fellowship, and new beginnings. By providing a year’s worth of encouragement, reflection, and prayer, Keep It Simple becomes the sustaining daily dose of support and strength you can always count on. By providing a year’s worth of encouragement, reflection, and prayer, Keep It Simple  becomes the sustaining daily dose of support and strength you can always count on. By providing a year’s worth of encouragement, reflection, and prayer, Keep It Simple becomes the sustaining daily dose of support and strength you can always count on.