BOOKS for your happy Wintervacation

Following Books are very meaningful books for you and your architecture study  to read during vacation.

Have a happy vacation!!!!


1. Architecture of today  (20세기 건축의 경향들)  Udo Kultermann

2. Pioneers of Modern Design: From William Morris to Walter Gropius  (근대 디자인            의 선구 자들)  Nikolaus Pevsner

3. Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture  (근대 건축의 이념과 변화)   Peter Collins

4. Contemporary Architecture: Its Roots and Trends  (근대 건축의 역사)                    L. Hilberseimer 

5Meaning in Western Architecture (서양 건축의 본질적 의미)  C. Noberg-Schulz  

6. Modern Architecture a Critical History  (서양건축사)  Kenneth Frampton