Homework for Multicomplex ….. Stair Design
Attached File : Homework
Homework for Multicomplex ….. Stair Design
Attached File : Homework
Following Books are very meaningful books for you and your architecture study to read during vacation.
Have a happy vacation!!!!
1. Architecture of today (20세기 건축의 경향들) Udo Kultermann
2. Pioneers of Modern Design: From William Morris to Walter Gropius (근대 디자인 의 선구 자들) Nikolaus Pevsner
3. Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture (근대 건축의 이념과 변화) Peter Collins
4. Contemporary Architecture: Its Roots and Trends (근대 건축의 역사) L. Hilberseimer
5. Meaning in Western Architecture (서양 건축의 본질적 의미) C. Noberg-Schulz
6. Modern Architecture a Critical History (서양건축사) Kenneth Frampton
There is good Competition for you. Try it!
Further Information : http://www.10design.co/think/competitions/en/1/rethinking-shanghai-2012/the-brief/
Floorplan for Study
attach file : Hotel Floorplan
Theme : Art Gallery and Art Education Bldg.
Art Gallery and Studio for young Artist
새로운 대화의 장이 열렸네요…
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