2011년 청도이공대학교 국제학부 건축학과 건축전 대상작

2011년 청도이공대학교 국제학부 건축학과 건축전 대상작 입니다.
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설계개요 (设计概要)

-공 사 명: 어린이 병원

-대지위치: 청도시 성양구 홍양로 중단

-지역지구: 일반주거지역

-대지면적: 135,320.08m2

-건축면적: 16,545.86m2

-연 면 적:  80,456.33m2

-건 폐 율:  12.23%

-용 적 율:  59.46%

-도로현황: 북측28m도로, 서측35m도로

-구    조: 철골 철근 콘크리트조

-층    수: 지하 2층, 지상 5층(진료부), 4층(병통부)

-총병상수: 699병상

-주차대수 법정: 804.56대(80,456m2/100대), 계획: 870대

-조경면적: 108,624.35m2

-외장재료: 화강석 + 복층유리

-기준층고: 5m(진료부),3.6m(병통부)

-최고높이: 26.2m

-승강설비: 승객용 13대, 침대용 12대,화물용 10대, 에스컬레이터 6대


설계개념 (设计概念)


Children are the continuation of human life, bearers of hope and the future of society. Care-taking of children is becoming increasingly prominent nowadays with economic development, scientific and technological progress, and improvement of life quality. The design of this children’s hospital represents efforts to create a user-friendly facility conducive to the healthy development of child patients’ physical, behavioral, and psychological characteristics. The designer hopes to make the hospital not merely a current provider of medical functions, but also a model which is constructed with conceptual elements such as health, harmony, and sustainable development and which is adaptable to future changes.



User-friendly design: User-friendliness is defined as a concept embracing pleasing appearance, convenience, and the ability to satisfy consumers’ functional and psychological needs which rise out of consumers’ specific living and working habits. The very core of being user-friendly is being “user-oriented.” The construction of a user-oriented children’s hospital is the symbol of social progress.

生态建筑:在建筑的全生命周期内(从建筑规划设计到建筑材料的生产、运输、建筑施工、管理运行直至拆除 ),最大限度地节约资源(节能、节地、节水、节材)、保护环境和减少污染,为人们提供健康、适用和高效的使用空间与自然和谐共生的建筑。生态建筑不是一个静态的概念,而是一个动态过程。与生态医院建设相对应的是诸多不同的动态模式。

Ecological design: Throughout the full construction cycle (planning and architectural designing, producing and transporting building materials, managing and operating construction, cleaning up the construction site), this children’s hospital is designed to be a building coexistent with the nature and a building of health, high applicability and efficiency by maximizing resources conservation (including the resources of energy, land, water, and materials), protecting environment, and reducing pollution. Ecological architecture is not a static concept, but a dynamic process. There are variable dynamic models for the construction of ecological hospitals.








Freedom from Fear




Nothing appeals more to children taken outside their homes than various types of novel entertainment facilities. Given children’s mentality for belonging and inclinations, this design chooses shapes of windmills and slides as its conceptual basis for the building’s appearance. Then, it employs and further processes lively colors and some abstract elements implied in those shapes to give the building its spatial formation as well as a refreshing touch. Child patients will find this design more visually acceptable than the conventional hospital which often looks scary for its cold visual impact brought by serious body masses and the use of large numbers of long straight lines.




Toddlers aged 2 to 3 have a preference for bright colors, especially contrasting colors. For some of them, the preference will persist through their entire childhood. Therefore, designs for toddlers of this age should use colors of higher brightness and purity. Children have a colorful inner world and possess unusual imagination. They are curious about everything in this world, sometimes merely a few colors. When children are born into this world, they are like a blank slate. Everything looks new to them. They need simple, fresh, and bright colors as stimuli for the production and reproduction of their neurological cells to sustain the freshness.









Diverse leisure and entertainment zone

Diverse supplementary service zone

Efficient and convenient medical routes

“Health Store”

Doctor and patient mental health services











“Garden-like Hospital”
Resources optimization
Use of solar energy
Use of rainwater

Use of recycled water

Control of inner space scale



A building sitting in the shade is an ideal place where residents can feel the come-back of life and energy. That is why many hospitals in Europe and North America are often located next to thick suburban woods where they can enjoy benefits of the green environment. The ecological concept should be built into the entire design process of hospitals. The process should respect and give sufficient importance to natural conditions of the location. It should research and analyze such conditions as topography, landform, sunshine, wind, soil, water, and greening. The design process should also look into how to make reasonable uses of those conditions so that patient residents can breathe fresh air and see the green land, the blue sky, and the white clouds. Patients living in the green environment are very likely to cooperate with treatments as those patients have a stronger desire to live and are more determined to get rid of the disease. Likewise, doctors and nurses working in the green environment tend to feel good both physically and mentally so as to become efficient performers.



Color solar panels work perfectly well even without facing the sun as they can absorb solar energy emitted from different colors of the sunlight. The unit cost of producing one watt of energy by using this type of solar panels is less than one U.S. dollar. The conversion rate, however, can be as high as 20% percent, doubling the conversion rate of conventional solar panels available in the market. Today, unit cost for normal panels to produce one watt of energy is four dollars. Color solar panels can absorb visible light and ultra-violet light without intensely absorbing heat. In contrast, conventional panels cannot absorb light without absorbing heat, which inevitably reduces their working efficiency.    



The theme of this design is to create efficient and convenient medical treatment routes and a user-friendly environment. Green channels are set up leading to emergency rooms, surgery, and wards, effectively removing possible barriers on the way of rescue. By diverting doctors and patients, separating sanitation areas, and optimizing the ratio between medical rooms and service rooms, this design aims to build a highly efficient modern medical environment.


The hospital has moved away from a mere medical service provider of early times to today’s health care provider. Users of the hospital are not necessarily sick-looking people in the traditional sense. They may also be general health care consumers. Seeing the doctor is becoming as enjoyable as going shopping.



How broad the medical street is depends on the traffic for emergency services. The street doesn’t have to be too large or broad. It should be able to adjust its size according to demand and its added value so as to keep ventilating and cleaning capacities and maintenance costs within certain limits.    



Three parts of the building are separate from each other providing independent functions. Meanwhile, as integral parts of the whole building, they are also connected through corridors.



Patients are walking or resting on the grass enjoying the quiet, safe, and agreeable environment without being disturbed by passing vehicles.


건축용어정리 한중영, 建筑词汇 中英韩对照, architectural words English Chinese Korean

건축 용어 정리 2009년판… 한,중,영 파일입니다.

2009년 조교수님 반에서 작업한 내용입니다. 좋은 자료 감사드립니다.



핑인 첨가 작업이 필요 합니다.

아마도 오교수님 반에서 작업을 도와 줄 듯 합니다.


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자료의 출처는 파일 내부에 명기되어 있으나, 상업적 사용을 금합니다.

자료에 수정할 내용이 있으시면, 덧글 형식으로 고쳐 주시면 반영 하도록 하겠습니다.

청도이공대학교 국제학원 건축학과 소개

청도이공대학교 국제학원 건축학과 소개

청도이공대학교의 한중합작 건축학 교육프로그램은 2006년에 시작되었고
2010년 현재 총 623명의 학생이 입학하여 학업에 열중하고 있습니다.
한중 건축학 교육 프로그램은 한국어를 능통하게 구사하는 능력과 동시에
전문적 건축 설계 능력을 겸비한 국제적 수준의 건축 디자이너를 양성하는
것을 목적으로 하고 있습니다.
한중 건축학 교육 프로그램에서 가장 핵심적인 건축 설계 과목을 한국 출
신의 저명한 교수님들이 담당하고 있어서 전문적이고 수준 높은 디자인 교
육이 이루어지고 있습니다.
지금까지 이러한 교육을 받은 국제 학원 학생들이 대외적으로 괄목할 만한
여러가지의 성과를 올리고 있습니다. 몇 몇 학생이 한국어 인증 시험에서 우수
한 성적을 취득하고 출국하여 전공 공부를 계속하고 있습니다. 국제 학원에서
열심히 공부한 한 학생은 대학원 연구생 모집 시험에 추천 방식으로 응시
하여 당당하게 합격하였으며, 또한 3명의 학생이 한국에서 실시한 2010년
친환경 설계 부문 학생 국제 공모전에서 우수한 작품을 제출하여 입선하였
고, 또다른 3명의 학생이 2010년 국제 청소년시설 공모전에 참가하여 2등
상에 해당하는 특선상을 수상하는 쾌거가 있었습니다.
지금까지 한중 합작 교육 프로그램은 중국과 외국 출신의 교수와 학생이
혼연일체가 되어 서로가 가진 장점을 살려 좋은 시너지 효과를 거두고 있
외국인 교수 모두가 책임 의식을 가지고 열정적으로 학생을 가르치고 있다.
또한 국제 학원에 소속된 구성원 모두가 성실한 마음가짐과 애착심을 가지
고 업무에 임하고 있습니다. 국제 학원의 학생들은 변화의 물결을 두려워
하지 않으며 용감하게 참여하고 있고, 어느 학년이나 모두 즐겁게 학업에
임하고 있습니다.


满爱心的管理团队 ;有勇于新、乐学的同

제1회 한중합작 프로그램 건축설계 작품전시회가 2011년 6월 14일~18일
청도이공대학교에서 열릴 예정이며 그 기간에 한중합작 프로그램 학생들의
우수한 설계작품 및 졸업작품을 전시할 예정이오니 여러분들의 적극적 참여
와 평가를 부탁 드립니다.
끝으로 여러분이 저희 학교의 한중합작 프로그램에 대해 보여 주는 관심과
지원에 진심으로 감사드립니다.

손옥결 청도이공대학교 국제학원 원장








院长   孙玉洁


2006년부터 시작한 한.중 합작 학술교류프로그램의 성과로 이번에 제1회
건축전을 개최하게 되었습니다. 그동안의 한국의 광운대학교의 교수님들의
열정과 청도이공대학 학생들의 열의로 이번 전시회를 준비하였으니, 전시회
에 참관을 하시어서 그 의미를 더욱 빛내 주시길 바랍니다.

채철균 광운대학교 건축학과 학과장








光云大学 建筑学院

院长 蔡哲均

제1회 청도이공대학 국제학원 건축전

장 소

제1전시장: 청도이공대학교 건축관2층
제2전시장: 청도이공대학교 국제학원3~4층

일 시

2011년 6월 14일 ~ 2011년 6월 18일
개막식 2011년 6월 15일 10:00AM

제1회 건축전 The First Exhibition

다들 준비하시느라 고생 많으셨습니다. 자료 및 홍보 차원에서 올립니다.

원본 사진이 필요 하신 분은 연락 주세요… ^_^…


This semester!~

This semester, I began to learn how to desing a lesure hotel. Interesting work, right?

However, I am not very good ability to abstract acturally, so I have to make many study models to develop my mind as more as possible.

It is the development of several models up till to now. Many difficulties encountered in the design process. But the result is very interesting. To be honest I am also looking forward to the final results.

This just the beginning. Come on, JOJO.


Just for fun

When I was tired in doing models, I would like to make a model building which I have seen on the internet or the reference book. Just for fun. 

When the real building in the picture change into a little model in my hands. The feeling is so cool~!    I like it and made it just for fun.