My Design Introduction of Art Gallery in 2010


One year has passed

When the art gallery started I found myself really like the architectural design

At that time, I could not use flexible software, I just started to learn to render and began to know the scale in human behaviors.

Also, I learned how to do a case study and barrier-free design,


However, the most important is that I was moved to tears because of the desirable environment when site searching.

I began to learn to use the architect’s vision to observe the things around, even though I was so young and immature with no experience



But it doesn’t matter, I’m so happy when I stay with it.


Poor works, sincere emotion    🙂

Some Fragments during our Class~

These are some class photoes during our class. It also includs the the CD cover which was made for Professor Sun in our junior. Time off really fast  >.<…

…. Although the architectural design courses are pretty tired,  lookiing back at some moment of our class is particularly interesting and amazing~  

Enjoy architecture, enjoy your design~

Happy to have these nice memories~


Dear Professors~, please do not blame me,please 。。。

I will do lots and lots of models to make up my candid !~!~


first attemp

This is my Design Introduction of Educational Facilities in my second semester of junior. I can still remember the hard work and feel guilty because of the mistakes, pity and problems which could not be solved. Now, I also faced more problems and more challenges in the senior year. Just keep going and keep going… Willing all of us pay attention to our health.



 I’m sorry that maybe I uploaded the wrong order beacuse of the first attemp…

I also would like to say that……I am still drawing the master plan and site plan of My Island now!!!!~~~!!~!%……¥……%¥##……%  

see that, interesting work, also tired….but enjoyable

Welcome all of your criticism and guidance!




칭다오에서 가느다란 길로 연결되어 있는 마이다오. 이곳은 원래 어촌이었다고 한다. 

칭다오가 개발되면서, 주민들은 아파트를 받고 이주하였다.

이 많은 배의 주인들은 지금 무엇을 하고 살까? 

대략 7만 평방미터의 이 섬은 이제 새로운 주인을 기다리고 있다. 실제로 토지가 비딩 중인 듯 하다.

이번 학기 4학년 학생들의 대지로 선정된 이 땅은, 복합 레져 시설로 계획되어 볼 것이다. 수업의 목적이야 다름아닌 위락시설을 계획하는것이고 중국 전역에서 돈을 쓰기위해서 몰려온 사람들을 위한 것일터…

다양한 시각의 고려도 필요하기에 글로 적어 본다.

한때 풍요로웠던 이곳어촌의 느낌도 남길 수 있다면 어떨까?


Fall down project on Sep. 2009.

Build up 3

Leave message for your senior and friends after simple register.

Good luck to you all ^_^…

See you next week. 再见。


위의 작품들은 여러분의 선배들이 힘들게 작업한 작품입니다.

간단한 회원 등록과 로그인으로 자유롭게 글을 남길 수 있습니다.

선배들에게 감사의 말과 친구들에게 좋은 격려의 말을 남겨주세요.

참고하시고, 다음주에 좋은 작품을 기대할께요.

모두들 행운을 빕니다. 수고하세요.